Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some 1950s Advertisments

These are scans from Harry Wayne McMahan's 1957 book "The Television Commercial".

Most of the images are uncredited.  Above is from the Saul Steinberg designed commercial for Jello.  It was animated by UPA for Young & Rubicam Advertising.

Don't assume a captive audience.

Images are used from commercials as illustrations, although the ones above and below look like they could've been originals.

There was little passing game in the 1950.  Four men in the back field and two tight ends.  Thats what we call the Jumbo package.

All of the John Hubley work is credited.  Above, Storyboard, Inc's spot for Heinz Worchester sauce.

Jazz hands?

There was more to 1950s design than UPA, Hubley and the clean graphic style.

Traces of the Tex Avery look in Bug-Geta.

More to follow.

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