Sunday, April 18, 2010

Joost Swarte: Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba

Joost Swarte is best known as a descendant of Hergé's clear line school of cartooning.  He's probably second best known as an industrial designer.

In animation, however, he's probably best known as the designer of the Holland Animation Festival logo.

He's third best known for playing olde tyme music with R.  Crumb and other cartoonists.

Sometime in the 20th Century I came across a CD of non-old tyme music with his name on it.

"Sound Shopping" is listed as a collaboration of Dutch electronic musicians Arling & Cameron with Joost Swarte.  Swarte is only listed as a co-writer on three tracks.

The music is, to me, an accurate representation of the illustrator's work.

Here's an example.

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