Friday, January 23, 2009

D. I. Y. I. T.

Last week, in the darkest of dark hours, our Final Cut machine stopped working.

Shut it down one night.  The next morning -grey screen with an apple.  Makes you long for the days of the sad Mac.

Lots of "grrrr."

Combine that with our Maya machine that only starts up with the door open, and there's a regular Skynet revolt happening here.

I decided to go all Furlong, and take control of matters.  Turns outs these (above) are the culprits.

Bad hard drive -initially I figured it was a bad mother board -on the FCP, and a malfunctioning video card on the other machine.

(above) Bad ATI video card.  The fan is malfunctioning.  Never trust anything that resembles the atrocious Madison Square Garden.

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