Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Top Cel Vol 2, #11 -07/20/45; War News

The centerfold of this weeks "Top Cel" was "The United Nations: Structure and Functions" by Graphics Institute.

It's a good visualization of the United Nations at it's conception.


Fifty nations signed the world security charter at San Francisco last month.

It was indicative of a trend of thought, at least, that fascist Argentina, first alphabetically on the list, was not the first to sign.

At the closing session, President Truman warned the delegates that now that the Charter has been written "the world must use it."

It will be well for all of us to remember that the Charter, written after weeks of discussion and compromise and adjusting of differences will have strength and real value only in our day to day dealings with other nations.

Undoubtedly, there will be efforts on the part of reactionaries and pro-fascists to "interpret" the Charter in an effort to actually cause division between nations, specially between ourselves and the Soviet Union. That we must guard against.

We have an understanding now for permanent peace. Like our own constitution that understanding will be subject to change as conditions change. The job "IT IS UP TO YOU" to maintain and broaden that understanding.


Our contract with Willard Studios has been approve by the War Labor Board granting us the Fletcher Smith minimum rates, and, for the first time in the industry, an annual vacation of 12 working days.

Our contract with Terrytoons expired June 30.  We have asked the company to extend the contract until another one can be agreed on and to make the new one retroactive to June 30.  To date we have not received a reply.  We are also waiting for the company to set a date for a meeting with our Negotiating Committee and attorney.

The War Labor Board hearing on the Famous contract will have to be postponed until after vacations because the company refused to agree to a single Hearing Officer like the Board suggested to expedite procedings.

Progress in our Union. At our last General Membership meeting, we decided to expand the scope of activities of the Union beyond that of negotiating contracts and set up an Activities Committee with Gordon Whittier and Tommy Morrison as Co-Chairmen.  The committee functions will include among other things, social affairs, forums, lectures and reports on general labor news.

The membership also elected Johnny Gentle as the new Editor of "Top Cel".



Ace Gamer was named new President of the Screen Cartoonists in Hollywood at the annual election last month.

"Top Cel" and the Screen Cartoonists Local 1461 take this opportunity to congratulate Ace Gamer on his election to the Presidency of Local 852 and to wish him success in his new position.  All of us remember Ace as one of the charter members of the Hollywood Guild and as an active and militant member since the inception of the union.  We are sure that he will be one of our best Presidents.

Other officers include: Ray Patin, Vice-President; Cornett Wood, re-elected Treasurer; Charlotte Adams, Recording Secretary; Cecil Beard, Executive Secretary; Rogel Daley, Warden; Volus Jones, Paul Julian and Jack Bailey, Trustees.  Earl Klein, Editor of the The Animator.

Maurice Howard, Cecil Beard and Earl Klein were appointed delegates on the Central Labor Council.  Lillian Goldberg and Blanding Sloan will be delegates to the Conference of Studio Unions and Tom Hayward delegate to the Hollywood Canteen with Mary Nadeau as alternate.

Congrats to all!!


(This editorial is reprinted from  YD Grapevine the publication of the 26th Infantry Division)

Last night the editor and at least every other man in the Division dreamt that he was home and in civilian clothes.  He dreamt that he was just plain and simply home, no questions asked and no oceans crossed.  That was kind of follish even for a GI's dream, so the editor woke up, counted his points all over again and went back to his unhappy and lonely bed.

The other night somebody made a speech over the national hook-ups in America.  He was home, in civilian clothes, had never crossed the ocean, and evidently didn't bother too much with GI dreams.

"America has swallowed many insults, many broken promises in the supposed interests of wartime unity," he told millions of listeners. He was referring to the "intolerable" situation with the Russians today.  Intolerable to him because he wanted it to be intolerable, bu the same token that he had found the Chamberlain appeasements of 1938 very agreeable.

We doughboys haven't found these insults hard to swallow.  Half the German Army pulled from our sides to fight elsewhere, that's no insult.  The Red Army march past her own borders straight into Berlin, that's no broken promise.  As a matter of fact wasn't this the same radio speaker who two years ago said that the Reds would stop at their own borders?  Would make a separate peace?

The other night Ike Eisenhower made a little speech to reporters at a news conference.  He said"

"The Russians are very friendly.  I am convinced that they want peace and a chance to develop themselves the same as anyone else.  My contacts with the Russians are heart warming."

The Chief wore ODs, had crossed the ocean many times, and is the grand-daddy of all GI dreams.

Last night the editor couldn't sleep. Who was going to win the argument? The Supreme Commander or the irresponsible little man in the double-breasted suit and the microphone?  We've carried our bets with Ike so long now, we know that he won't let us down.

Get us home, Ike, get us home.  We'll wait and fight the Jap if need be, but don't let them sink the boat, Ike.  Please, don't let them sink the boat.

(Ed. Note.  Every one has been telling us what the soldiers think about Russia and everything else.  We felt it was about time someone let the soldiers speak for themselves.)


"It's difficult to put on paper what we seen and felt of the inequalities among the combat men.  I'm positive that ten months of air combat had me no more weary and punchy than any ground or amphibious lad was after his first ten days of ground and jungle fighting.  I guess that our fatigue, with the resulting carelessness and foolhardiness, make us a poor risk with a quarter of a million dollars worth of equipment and nine other men's fatigue and sickness for he has only his two heavy pack and ...and two hands to risk.  It's so real and sad an I have nothing more than useless understanding to offer."  Lt. Alexander

"Since leaving Texas, I have come half way around the world and have seen something of my fellow man.  He is a pretty miserable being and I realize that if it were not for the every day efforts of a few to make the Western world a better place to live in, we could be in that same sorry state.  I don't think you can conceive of the rot, the hopelessness and the amount of horror in the daily life of these people.  The fate of being a subject people.  The latest British proposals do not come close to helping the situation.  The Indians have been tossed another bone for which they will all squabble much to the pleasure of the Tories.  Complete independence followed by healthy free for all with no outside pressure is the only way India can ever amount to anything.  I didn't mean to go into speech on Idia but I have just finished reading the morning papers and the whole situation smells.  Besides, I thought you would be interested in a quick glance at what goes on over here while the rest of the world speaks vaguely of the Four Freedoms." Cpl. Jack Baldwin, Calcutta.

Orchids for Top Cel from the men in the service.

Pfc. Lee Hooper, Germany: "Have been receiving Top Cel and I enjoy it a lot." T/4 Robert Faro, Norway: "Thanks for Top Cel." Capt Francis X. Atencio, Paris: "Just returned from Germany and found Top Cel.  Keep it up!."   Jerry Dvorak Sp 2/C, Norfolk, VA: "I like your Top Cel very much and will appreciate it if you will continue to send it to me." Sgt. Neil Sessa, India: "Keep those Top Cels coming..."  Lt Tom A. Johnson, Texas: "...and thanks for Top Cel.  Its nice to keep in touch..."  Lt. Freeman Silva, Palm Springs, CA: "...Enjoy Top Cel mucho. Fine link to happier days..." T/Sgt. Chris Ishii, China: "Thanks for your paper..."  W. W. Bennett, Sea 1/C, Wilmington:  "Address uncertain from here on out.  How about sending it to my home address?" Cpl. Steve Muffatti, Germany: "...and thanks a million for sending it to my home address?"  Cpl. Steve Muffatti, Germany: "...and thankd a million for sending Top Cel along.  Enjoy it lots."  Also keeping us posted on their addresses were M. Gollub, M 1/C (M) in San Diego, PFC. Michael Tessa; PFC. Concetto Auditore from a Eva. Hospital.  From India, Sgt. Hal Goddard, Sgt. Nat Friedland, Pvt. Frank Napoleon, Sgt. Wendell Ehret; Lt. George H. Cika.


Exhibitor and public interest in short subject has risen sharply in the last six months and the demand for them is almost unprecedented, according to Oscar Morgan, Paramount's short subjects sales chief, who has just returned from a nationwide tour.  The interest in shorts especially those of a light vein can be felt in the demands for more prints and increased bookings, Morgan said.  Because the feature programs have been "heavy" in themes, comedy shorts are requested as a balancing medium; at least, that appears to be one of the explanations for the upward trend in shorts bookings, Morgan said." (Film Daily 6/28/45).

Hugh Harman has set "Man, the Builder", as title for his feature length Technicolor fantasy which deals with problems of mankind after the war.  Producer will employ his Animaction process in filming picture.


From a letter we received from Herb Sorrell, the best friend the cartoonists, on both coasts, ever had: "...The strike is still going very much in high, with the IATSE and producers using every trick at their command to try to break us down and having absolutely no luck.  99% of our people are still out and I mean that includes Carpenters, Machinists, Electricians, Painters, Janitors, Blacksmiths, Plumbers, etc.  It is a good strike.  We are receiving wonderful co-operation and help form the Brotherhood of Painters.  It is quite a test at this time to see whether democratic unions, such as ours, can survive or if company dominated unions are going to be the vogue in the post-war era.  Company unions will be much more popular with the employers than the open shop becoming unionized, and a company union they have full control at all times.  I appreciate the Top Cel and read every word in it as it comes, even these busy days.

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