Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Top Cel Vol 2, #10- 7/8/45: Cobean Cartoons, Credits

The cartoons on this page were drawn by Sam Cobean, former Disney-Universal-Screen Gems storyman now a T/4 in the US Army.  In addition to his work in The New Yorker, Sam's drawings are published by Mademoiselle, Colliers, Saturday Evening Post and assorted advertisements.  Cobean told us his cartoons are also appearing in an OWI exhibit in Paris and in the gent's rooms in a number of Third Ave. bars.


With the vacation period so close, members should make arrangements for an early payment of dues and fines so that all money matters are settled by vacation time.  At Terrytoons some members are consistently in arrears.  Until now they have been notified to help avoid the $2.00 fine, but henceforth, no notice will be given, and the fine will be applied automatically as the Brotherhood constitution orders.

Letter from Wm. M. Weiss, Vice-President, Terrytoon, Inc.: 

Screen Cartoonists Local 1461
800 Riverside Dr., NY, NY

Attention of Mr. Pepe Ruiz, Business Agent.

In reply to your letter of recent date please be advised that we are willing to extend the present contract under the same terms and conditions for a year from the expiration date.  Please acknowledge receipt of this letter indicating your acceptance or rejection of this off.

Very truly yours,

Terrytoons Inc.,
(s) Wm. M. Weiss
Vice President
(Registered Mail Return Receipt Requested)

And our answer:

Terrytoons, Inc.
271 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY

Attention of Mr. Wm. M. Weiss, Vice President


In view of the position expressed by the Terry Unit and the General Membership at the 11 June meeting in New Rochelle, the Executive Board last night has unanimously agree to accept only a contract similar to that originally proposed to you.  We would appreciate you setting an early date for a meeting with our Negotiating Committee and Attorney to discuss this matter in full.

In answer to your inquiry, the address to which all union mail should be addressed is 800 Riverside Drive, New York 32 NY.

Very truly yours,

Screen Cartoonists Local 1461
(s) Pepe Ruiz
Business Agent
War Labor Board approval on the Willard contract will be delayed a week or two because the request for proration of the vacation time on a one day per month basis has forced the Board to reconsider its policy on this point.  We may also get a maximum of four weeks severance pay on a one day basis.  Those clauses are a great improvement over other contracts in the industry and both may be approved.

At Famous the dispute case over our contract was certified to the Board on June 21.  The hearing will probably take place before the vacation period.


Being a union member entails certain responsibilities in return for the benefits that the union gives.  One of these responsibilities is the exercising of common sense when speaking to the employer on union matters.

The union does not take the position of discouraging chats with the employer.  There is a wide range of subjects that might be discussed in such conversations.  If the subject starts weering toward union matters, however, then it is sensible to realize that they can speak freely and then have their Agent or Lawyer carry their thoughts to the employer.  It is peculiar sensation to discover that you have said something at a meeting only to find that a thoughtless member has distorted or misinterpreted your thoughts and then has proceeded to discuss your opinions freely with the employer.

A union exists for the mutual benefit of all its members.  And even though it is sometimes slow in attaining its objectives, it nevertheless is in there trying.  It has to, because it is really made up of you, and you, and you.

So protect yourself and your fellow employees by not discussing union matters with the employer.



"WLB order calling for wage boots of approximately $50,000.00 yearly is being appealed by Disney Prod. Company heads declared that lower-bracket worker were given substantial tilts by WLB.  Already had been handed increases amounting to 25.6%.  It also contented in appeal that board did not take into consideration evidence pertaining to financial condition of company, etc."  (From Daily Variety, June 6/45)

"Ninety-nine per cent of all possibilities in Latin America now play Walt Disney feature and short subjects, Leo Samuels, Disney's sales manager, said here yesterday following a two-and-a-half month trip.  Samuels  said that The Three Caballeros would gross $700,000 in Latin America and that business on the picture was hitting new marks.  In 10 weeks at the Alameda in Mexico City, the picture grossed more than Snow White, Pinocchio, Fantasia, and Saludos Amigos are being dubbed in French and Dumbo is being dubbed in Swedish.  More than 50 prints of Bambi are being readied for Russia"  (From Film Daily, June 7/45).


A GI friend of ours asked us whether we could get him the credit list for those responsible for The Three Caballeros.  He mentioned how hard it was to find out, with the flash they pass in front of you, who animated or wrote the story of a cartoon.  Our answer was that in one reeler there was not much you could add.  However, his complaint was that even in full length cartoons our producers seem to be too conservative when the time came to give screen credit.

Actually, we don't know what can be done about it.  We are sure the Producers are conscious of the problem, but incidentally, why don't all cartoon producers give full credit to the different departments like Disney does?

The Three Caballeros screen credit

Prod. Supervision Director............................Norman Ferguson
Production Manager......................................Dan Keefe
Sequence Directors.......................................Clyde Geronimi, Jack Kinney, Bill Roberts

Story..............................................................Elmer Plummer, Ernest Terrazas, Homer Brightman
                                                                      Ted Sears, Roy Williams, Bill Peed, William Contrell
                                                                       Ralph Wright, Del Connell, James Bodrero

Musical Directors..........................................Charles Wolcott, Edward Plum, Paul J. Smith
Lyricist..........................................................Ray Gilbert

Art Supervisor...............................................Mary Blair, Ken Anderson, Robert Cormack

Process Effects..............................................Ub Iwerks

Film Editor....................................................Don Halliday
Sound............................................................C. O. Slyfeild

Life Action Sequences Photography.............R. Rennenhan
Art Director...................................................R. F. Irvine
Choreography................................................Billy Daniels, A. Oliveira, C. Maracci

Sorry W. S... we still can not tell you who did the layouts, animation, backgrounds, et cetera.



The eleven-year drive to "get" Harry Bridges West Coast labor leader and president of the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, and send him back to where he came from (Australia), was stopped cold last week, at long last, by the US Supreme Court.

By a vote 5 to 3, the land's highest court said that Biddle (Francis Biddle, outgoing attorney general) had no leg to stand on in his tireless effort to deport the CIO leader.  The Supreme Court held that the trial of Bridges was unfair, that there was no evidence he was a Communist, or "affiliated" with the Communist Party.

Supporting this opinion, Justice Murphy wrote that seldom, if ever in the history of this country has there been "such a concentrated and relentless crusade to deport an individual because he dared to exercise the freedom that belongs to him as a human being and that is guaranteed to him by the Constitution."


The exciting contest at Famous of "Animator, animator, who will be an animator?" is still racing ahead at full speed  with Bill Hudson and Woody Gelman being the last hopeful survivors.

Many months ago we reported in these columns that the columns that the company, wishing to be  strictly impartial, of course, decided to hold a contest to see which of its Assistants could be promoted to animation.  Your Executive Board and Business Agent believe the company was sincere and urged the fellows to try for the job.  Some did.

After the usual delays, the momentous decision was announced.  Lo and behold, a miraculous new invention was able to record a photo finish in animation.  Hudson and Gelman!!! After watching their work during the contest and for years before that, the company still could not tell which was ready to animate.

Hairbreath Hudson and Galloping Gelman rushed into a run-off. In all sincerity they finished another scene, waited patiently again.  They're still waiting.

One wonders why this contest was held in the first place.  If an animator was really needed why didn't the company select one right away instead of working along without a new one?  Surely the company knows which of its men, if any, can handle the job.  And if in their opinion none of them can, why not be honest about it instead of keeping false hopes alive?



Studio office workers in Hollywood hit the jackpot for $860,000.  New wage agreement, inked by all but two major lots and calling for a 7% tilt in weekly salary minimums for 2,500 clerical workers, was approved by the War Labor Board.  It was retroactive to Jan 1, 1944.

Unions cannot get away with a constitution which restricts membership to whites and American Indians, according to the US Supreme Court in a decision affecting an AFL union in NY.  The case involved the AFL Railway Mail Association.  The New York branch decided to defy the international by writing into its local constitution that all in the trade were eligible for membership. The international appealed to the courts to stop the local on the ground that its own constitution limited membership to those "of the Caucasian race or a native American Indian."

The War Labor Board rules that employers may give workers all day Saturday or Sunday afternoon off between now and September 15 without making deductions from pay for time off.  The announcement said employers did not need Board permission to pay regular wages, without deductions, for the shortened work week.


"...I was interested in McDermott's description of the Marines on Okinawa.  That's called esprit de corps I guess, but I know exactly what he means.  I've felt it many times.  The days I didn't go out I used to watch the group forming... the sky filled with noise, the red flares as identification.  I could see all the guys I knew up there. The ones I like, the ones I didn't know and somehow they were all one.  I've seen them come back, tired, beat, somehow pulling the formation tight as they went over the field to peel off and land.  Nothing but pride could do it.  They wanted the outfit to look good, that's all.  "My head is bloody but unbowed."  Maybe it is baloney but you've goo to have something.  I've stood in the Briefing room waiting for interrogation, the shot of whiskey warm in my belly and listened in a kind of daze to the snatches of conversations, profane as any Mac ever heard... "I saw six chutes.... the bastard blew up.  No chance..."  "Yeah, he was a good sonofabitch," ..."No, no chance." "Hi ya, ya old Buzzard?  I thought I seen you blow up." ...I'd look around and see then all talking and hollering, still keyed up, dirty, unshaven, rings around their faces where the oxygen mask had been, pistols slungs carelessly -and I could almost hear the music -almost, but not quite!....."



Dave Hilberman going to camera school in Long Island.  At a party given for him by the Massies there were, among others, Cl. Hartman, Bob Perry, Art Moore, Wilbur Streech, Bob Laffingwell, Sam Cobean, Lou Guarnier, John Barron, etc.

Evie Ireland was married at the Roger Smith Hotel in White Plains.

T/4 Robert Faro is now with a US Mission in Norway.

The Capt. Sidney Smiths (nee Bel Wienber) honeymoon in Atlantic City.

Ed and Happy Saylor wish to announce the arrival of Jean Catherine on 6/26, weight 8 lb.

Perry Rosove, a Cpl. and a gunner on a B-9 is in town on furlough.

Edith Vernick, now in civies, called in the Famousites.

Martha Cochrane formerly at Terry's now an inker at Disney's/

Cpl. Frank Spalding now in Paree.

Ex-Gems Sgt. Wendell Ehret's new comic book is in all book stores in New York.  It is highly recommended.

Lt. Phil de Lara and his bride Catherine Gleeson now in New York.

Ruth Linderman, Eleanor Erickson, Joan Bassi, Mary Ann Marvin seen marching with the Civil Air Patrol on Memorial Day.  They looked pretty nifty in uniform too.

"X" Atencio, a Captain, in France and just back from Germany, hopes to see us soon.

Seymour Slosberg transferred to Camp Elliot last week.

Pepe finally managed to get a ticket for California .  His beat up expression is due to the struggle put up by railroad officials.  He leaves July 21st.

Bev. Gauntlett Oregon bound -and home -come vacation time.

Don Figlozzi now on Animation.  Steve Gattoni new head of Breakdown and Inbetweening Dept. at Terry's.

Howard Baldwin on his way overseas.

Vonda Bronson soon becomes the bride of Al Wise of 20th Century Fox now in Anacostia.  Also from Anacostia we learn that George Rufle was married to Ruth Gorden with Capt. Fennell as best man.  Abner Keitel and George Geopper were ushers.

Lee Hooper enjoying Top Cel in Germany.

Woody Gelman and Larry Riley working in stories at Famous.

New additions to the Signal Corp Unit in NY.  Lt. Art Moore, Lt. Phil de Lara, and Capt. Bob Laffingwell.

Thanks to Hal GoddardMichael Tessa and  Concetto Auditore for sending their addresses.  Freddie Benz, office boy at Terry's left to work on a farm.

Some of the gals at Terry's have decided to try Latin dancing. Last week found Elsa Fumaro, Phyllis Shagrin, Irene Rowland, Connie Quirk, Jean Settino, Helen Bromback, and Eleanor Wrickson swinging it in the Rumba Room at Arthur Murrays.

Stan Green wounded in action.  His tank got a direct hit, killed seven men.  He suffered some burns, but is on his feet and well again.



Though it is our solemn responsibility to keep blood donations flowing in a steady stream to our boys in the Pacific, donations here have fallen off sharply since the end of the war in Europe.

To help labor organize its share of New York's weekly quota of 8,000 pints of blood, the CIO War Chest has asked all local unions immediately to undertake the scheduling of regular group appointments.

The men wounded on the bitter fight on Okinawa need blood donations as badly as their buddies who fought in Europe.



Here are a few lines from the official report of the National Labor Relations Board under the heading: "Background of the Dispute":

In the instant case, there is no showing that the employees failed scrupulously to observe all the terms of their contract so far as affiliation with another labor organization was concerned.  It was the Producers and not the Employees who failed to observe these provisions.  This failure persisted over a long period of time and in the face of repeated importunities by the employees.  It even persisted beyond and in spite of the recommendation of the War Labor Board arbitrator...

It was only after this lengthy process that the strike occurred which the Producers now claim breached the very same contract, which they themselves had refused to observe...

That the employees were willing to arbitrate and that the Producers were not is strongly indicated by the conduct of each with respect to War Labor Board Arbitrator Tongue.

The Set Decorators did not strike because the Producers refused to change provisions of a contract.  They struck because the Producers refused to act in conformity with a clear provision of the contract.

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