Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Top Cel Vol 2, #03 3/22/45 -Letters, Disney's 1944 Earnings.


At Famous, Form 10 requesting approval of increases was okay by the company to go to the WLB on Feb. 12.  the raises are as follows: Lou Zukor and L. Walwoth raised to $100 a week, retroactive to Oct. 20th and Nov. 6th respectively.  Violet Szigeti $30.00, Jacqueline Bissett, Doris Zvirin, Beaulah Kitschner, Doris Melamed $28.00.  All raises retroactive  to October 30th.  Inkers: Jean Ortelli, Rose Mary Bracco, Tilly Lippman, Rhoda Grapek, Norma Spaulding, Nona Turner and Rose Haskell $33.00.  All raises retroactive to October 30.  Ruth Platt $37.00 retroactive to the same date. At the writing the WLB has asked for information the company's lawyer didn't believe necessary.

Doris Zvirin was appointed steward in the Coloring Dept at Famous to replace Judy Weiner who was promoted to another department.  In order to facilitate collections each girl should know to whom she should pay her dues and bring the money to the collector's desk.

The General Membership approved the establishment of a welfare fund with the money collected from initiation fee.

The recommendation of the Executive Board was also accepted, to set rates for free lance or after working hours animation, and to establish the Guild as a clearing house for such work.  No one may accept work on an animated cartoon without first contracting the Union nor may anyone (active members or Withdrawal Card holders) do this work for less than the approved rates.

The following members were elected to the Contract Committee at Famous Studios.  (The contract there expires March 13, 1945) Head Animators: O. Calpini.  Animators: M. Reden. Asst.: J. Deneroff.  Inbetw.: S. Knoring. Paint: S. Palansky. Ink: Rhoda Grapek. Timing: Rose Schenberg. Planning: R. Gorman.  Lab: Carrie Richarson.  Background: R. Connavale. Camera: L. McCormack.  Film Cutting: J. Weiner. Story: J. Stultz.

Anyone with specific ideas pertaining the new contract should communicate these ideas to the person representing their department on the committee.

Local 21, UFWA (United Federal Workers of America, CIO) is organizing the employees at the Signal Corps.  The question of our own members there is a matter for discussion by the Executive Board of both unions and the members themselves.  The CIO, like the Screen Cartoonists, favors organizing the entire place.  If the holders of Withdrawal Cards from our Union don not desire to join both unions, they could become active members, and be represented by this union.  The decision, of course, depends upon the workers themselves.

New Delegates from Fletcher Smith Studio to the Executive Board: Katherine Chaille and Gene Sogioca.



Good news from the military fronts has resulted in a marked shortage in the number of blood donations at the very moment when a flood of new donations is desperately needed owing to the costly offensives which have made possible the favorable news.

The Brooklyn Red Cross Donor Service reported that it was 800 donations below its quota of 4000.  Donors should go to the Brooklyn Red Cross Blood Donor Center, 57 Willoughby St. or telephone TRiangle5-8040 today to make appointments for late in the week.


The US Senate has confirmed a three man Surplus Property Board in the Office of War Mobilization which will prescribe regulations governing disposition of an estimated $100,000,000,000 worth of Government-owed material, tools, plants land and facilities.  Congress has directed the Board to draw its regulations so as to give any lawful preference to veterans in the disposal of any property useful in the establishment of maintenance of small business enterprises.

"Come-on" advertisement and misleading publicity about the loan provisions of the GI Bill of Rights were hit in a recent speech by Edward S. Rooney before the NY State Veterans Service Agency.  Said Mr. Rooney: "I feel that the advertising that is put forth by the banks generally and the misinformation that has unfortunately been disseminated to the veterans has created a very serious situation.  The veteran feels that he is coming home to

to his bank and all he has to do is walk in and there is $2000 waiting for him in a tiny little envelope with his name on it.  The fact is that this is entirely untrue and the banks, in my opinion, instead of using "Come On" advertising, as they have been doing, should engage in an education campaign and explain to the veteran that if he borrows money he most certainly has to pay it back."  Misleading publicity, he added, has made some legitimate benefits of the Bill appear as careless gestures of charity rather than soberly considered assistance for self-respecting men.


Dave Hilberman  and Jack Schwartz responsible for the magnificent film Hell Bent for Election have been called for induction.  Pat Matthews, too, has been called.  Nat Friedland writes from India that Lt. Paul Fanning popped in at their office on his way to China.
Tillie Lippman taking a short vacation to Florida.
Theresa Petrizzi ill.
Margaret Coy, new addition to the Anacostia Unit.
Edith Percefull taking a withdrawal card.
Lou Guarnier in Hollywood  on furlough.
Violette Romaniello back at the Anacostia Unit after a furlough in Hollywood.
Gloria Feriola new stewart in charge of Top Cel for New Rochelle.
Capt. Bill McIntyre taking  Jim Carmichael for a jeep ride over the scene of some of his fighting.
Joe Rinaldi back in New York after a nice furlough with his family in Hollywood.
Joe Oriolo and Sam Buckwald elected as full members of American Television Society.
Auri Battaglia in Hollywood doing a job for the Navy.
Al Pross to Story Dept. at Famous.
Terry Bernstein, formerly in Famous Opaquing Dept. just gave birth to a 7 lb. 4 oz. baby.
Birthday regards to Winnie Zhapiro and Violet Feurman.
New girls at Famous, Shirley Ali, Kathleen Bahar, Eleanor Bloom, Lila Goldring, Madeline Hegy, Vivian Levy, Marie Lowry, Gloria Mitman and Carmen Morejon.

Bouquets to Paul Terry who granted his entire plant a holiday on Washington's Birthday.  Mr. Terry also was the only Producer in the East who gave Christmas bonuses.


Walter Lantz made arrangements for use of 65 piece Santa Ana Air Corps band for recording score of his feature Enemy Bacteria produced for the US Navy.

Plans for more cooperative labor relations between film industry management and unions and guilds in Hollywood will be discussed between representatives of two groups at the first of a series of monthly meetings to be held at the Screen Cartoonists Guild headquarters.  Meetings will be  along educational lines, to show that the producers "don't wear horns".

Morey and Sutherland have organized a company called "Teletoons" which will be devoted to making a series of Television shorts as soon as extra film is available.  "Teletoons" will be made for the commercial advertising market, with the first of the United Artists Daffy Dittys, The Cross-Eyed Bull now being booked by leading major and independent circuits.  UA general manager has announced the titles of the next four Morey and Sutherland subjects in this cartoon series: The Flying Jeep, The Lady Says No, Pepito's Serenade and Choo Choo Amigo.

After a week and a half of strenuous exercise at Pendleton, the Marine Animation Unit was sent on detached duty to Disney's to complete three Marine pictures.  those we know include Don Lusk, Nick George, Glenn Couch, Carl Fallberg, Walter Smith, Walther Rogers, Pete Alvarado, C. O. McElmurry, Ed Levitt and Ted Berman.

Net income of Walt Disney Production for fiscal year ending Sept 12/44 totaled $486,287.82, an increase of $$54,751.01 over preceding year.  This figure was reached after provision for income taxes of $221,000 and provision for additional losses on inventories of $307,735.74, as compared with no provision required for income taxes for preceding year.  Last year provision of $250,000 was made for possible inventory losses.  Receipts from 1944 reissue of Snow White released originally in 1937, accounted for substantial portion of year's net income, and that is anticipated during 1945 fiscal year company will gross significant amount of additional income from picture.  Bank loans were reduced during year by $914,805, balance at Sept 30, 1944 standing at $527, 847.


From PFC. Steve Muffatti, in Luxembourg: "Your Christmas issue of 'Top Cel'  caught up to me.  I really enjoyed every bit of it.  It was the first issue I had ever seen.  We don't get a hellva of a lot of dope on anything

out here and of course, I get little or none on how the old game is doing.  Was wondering if you boys could see your way clear to send on an issue or two now and then.  Keep up the good work, and we will be seeing you.  Regards to all."

From PFC. Francis Spalding in London: "You can't imagine how a paper like 'Top Cel' increases in importance when overseas.  It is like a breath of home to read about former fellow workers (and future ones, I hope), and their various activities!  I must confess that I did get a kick out of seeing my name appear in 'Top Cel", I think you are doing OK, Woody.  Good luck!  Too bad about Willard Bowsky and Art Meissner.  Life does become realistic at times.

As for me, I am getting along very well overseas and am quite happy in my present military capacity.  My outfit and my officers are truly grand, what more can a soldier ask for?  Very often, I knock out a few cartoons just to keep my hand in trim for that big day when the conflict will come to an end. (Hitler too)".

From S/Sgt. Earl H. Freeman in India: "For 10, these many, months, I've been receiving 'Top Cel' and enjoying it.  Now I think it behooves me to acknowledge your thoughtfulness in sending it to me.

I had nothing at all to do with the organization or development of the New York Local, but somehow, it all seems to have been done as a special favor to me, just because I had hoped that you people would be able to get together.  From here it looks as though you are doing a splendid job, and I am glad.  I am especially glad to see wholehearted support behind such a thing as a fine levied on nonattending members, for that is one of the healthiest indications of democracy in a union that I can think of.

Of course, there are probably those who think that it is anything but democratic to force people to do anything, but I know that the overwhelming majority realizes that the only way any organization can function as the majority wills, is for the majority to express that will.

Let your prerogative to run your organization from the bottom up slip through your fingers just once, and you've begun to lose your grasp.  No matter how wise and good your leaders are at the beginning, and they will be good for you've chosen them yourself, eventually unscrupulous hands will hold the reins, and your control is lost.

It's gratifying also to see that the recommendation for this move came from the Executive Board and didn't have to be crammed down it's collective throat."


From Earl Klein: "Dear Woody, Congratulations on the fine job you are doing as Editor of your union paper Top Cel.  We, on the Pacific Coast, have been watching with interest the growth and steady improvement of your publication.

For a while we have permitted our "Animator" to lapse into a state of suspended animation but the example you've set has finally shamed our local into action and plans have been drawn up for the appearance soon of a bigger and better "Animator" which will be a four or eight page printed monthly.  this will give our members an opportunity to submit drawings and cartoons for reproduction.  I have accepted the job of chairman of the Editorial Board and I hope you will allow us the privilege of reprinting some of the fine material that appears in Top Cel, from time to time.  Of course, we extend you the same courtesy, should you find the paper anything which may be of interest to your members.

I'm sure that anything which tends to bring our two groups close together is of benefit to all our members and i hope that a friendly exchange between our papers will serve to that end.  My best wishes to you and all my acquaintances on the East Coast (s) Earl Klein, Screen Cartoonists, Local 852."

(Many thanks for your thoughts, Earl.  We certainly want you to use any material of ours that you find suitable, and we will likewise be pleased to borrow from you.

What is of greatest importance, is you desire to work toward a closer unity between our two Locals. this must be our constant thought.  In the unpredictable post-war world, when we expect more than ever to need the aid of our unions, it will be a source of comfort and strength to know that we are joined by very strong ties of common interest.

Anything that tends to bring our two Locals closer must receive the closest support in the editorial policies of "The Animator" and "Top Cel". ED.)


Rep. Fred Hartley (R. NY) asked for a seven-man house committee to investigate the financial right of the nation's "white-color" workers, hard hit by raising prices and stabilized pay. [ROC: I'm guessing this is a twice type for "white collar", but it is 1945 so who knows?}

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