Monday, March 21, 2011

Commercial Break

Here's an ad we just finished for

Turns out we're already a client (they purchased a little while back and they're our web registry).

Fly Communications was the agency.  They were great to work with.  Very open to our ideas and responsive with their own.  Terrific agency.

At Asterisk, Doug Compton was the animator with additional animation and assistant work by Christina Capozzi Riley and some additional inbetweening by Liesje Kraai.

Robbie Ledoux and JZ Barrell of Hudson Sound Lab did the music.


  1. That's thanks to Christina who translated my scribbles into something sensible and Doug for making everything sing. (Except the music, which I like a lot).

    Liesje also did layouts, I should have added.

  2. Transition at the end is excellent, from the buildings to the globe to the guy's head. Very fluid.
