Saturday, February 19, 2011

A La Mode

Today I had planned on writing about Brent Green's "Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then" which just finished a two-night stint at The Kitchen.

Last night was the second time I've seen it. This one with live accompaniment.

I figured I'd be able to pull together something cogent after having already screened it once. No, it's still a little raw. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe there are no words to do it justice.

And then, I had planned on a tribute to Fashion Week for Sunday by showcasing some Covarrubius drawings.

I can't find the book, though.

I did find this uncredited illustration in another book. I like it.

The designers are credited as is the magazine in which it originally appear.

L to R: Molyneux, Beer, Doucet, Jenny, Doucet, Beer, Molyneux, Beer, Molyneux from "Art-Gout-Beaute" 1921

And I had always planned on sharing our pencil sharpener. A gift many years from Kate Hambrecht.

It was being discarded when she worked at Cosmopolitan Magazine.

We are certain that models used it to sharpen their pencils.

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