Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Top Cel Vol 1, #20: 10/22/44 -Plans for a Novelty Cartoon Folder


The Union is planning to publish a novelty cartoon folder.  This will be carried out along the lines of a similar job done by the coast Union.  There is a great need of cartoons and gags.  November 15th is the deadline -and 5' by 7' is the size.  Every member in the animation department ought submit at least one cartoon.  Give to Dave Tendlar or to our Business Agent.

GET BUSY NOW.  If this project should be called off it would not be fair to the boys in the service who have so frequently begged us for cartoons nor to Dave who has already given so much of his time.

At the present time we are securing raises above the contract minima with Famous Studios from the War Labor Board for Joe Oriolo, Lizzie Howson, Rub Grossman, Otto Feuer, Tommy Golden and Moret Reden.  The raises should be retroactive to Sep. 25.


John Sutherland and Larry  Morey have decided upon the name of "Daffy Dittys" for their new Technicolor animated cartoons series for UA release.

Trade Review: "Pitching Woo at the Zoo".  This is the best of the series since it went Technicolor.  The reel has more than the usual number of laughs.  Popeye is kept busy rescuing his Olive first from a wolfish animal keeper and then from a leopard's cage.  The exhibitor will have no trouble with this one.

Suit has been filed against Disney in Superior Court (Calif.) for the enforcement of the arbiter's award granting the workers two days pay for X'mas and New Years.


At the last General Membership meeting, a decision was reached almost unanimously by the body. the following day many persons at Famous who had not attended the meeting were quite upset over the decision.  This is not the first time that the absentees have demonstrated their remarkable hindsight.  However, this latest judgment is of no value unless these persons make their opinions felt by attending meetings and voting.

When a special meeting was held last week to reconsider the decision of the regular General Membership the attendance was pitifully small.

Our union cannot function effectively when the members do not support it wholeheartedly and sacrifice the small amount of time that is required so infrequently.

It is because of this that the Executive Board last week made a recommendation to the General Membership to fine members $2.00 when they skip three meetings in a row.  This motion should be passed unanimously, for if a person cannot find time to come to at least one meeting in three months, he shows that he is hardly deserving of the benefits of a Union.  A GOOD UNION BENEFITS ITS MEMBERS BUT IT REQUIRES SOME SACRIFICES IN RETURN.  (The recommendation will be taken at our next General Membership meeting, November 14, at New Rochelle).


Willard Bowsky in town, slated for overseas.... Nesta Thomas back at Fletcher Smith from Miami... New girls at Terry: Polly Bowine, Phyllis McLaughlin, Gerry De Nunzio, Coral Nordell, Dona Madel, Marjorie Ann Tobin, Kay Smith, Peggy Sutton, Nancy Lee Jones and Doris Walker.... Prudence Rifici and Mario Trombetta left Famous.... Katherine Chaille left Famous for Fletcher Smith... S/Sgt.  George Baker's book "Sad Sack" selling like hot cakes.  We recommend it highly.... Sara Tsuroka promoted to inking at Famous.... After six months Sid Pillet found a home... Hurrah! ... Ed Rehbeck getting along nicely.  He does not miss the ribs taken out he says.... Lee Donahue working on strips.  He wants Top Cel... Dotty Oldsbury and Dot Daugherty back at Famous... Edna May Regal new Boss at the Painter Dept at Famous.... Denny Cunningham is leaving Metro back to Miami.... New girls at Famous: Carrie Richardson, Beverly Levitsch, Lilliam McCormick, Sylvia Palansky and May Violante....


Non-Profit Organization Advises On Vision Correction.

The Optical Membership Plan of New York is a non-profit organization which ought to be better known and which now operates under a charter for the benefit of 40,000 subscribers.  For an annual payment of only one dollar by a subscriber who is a member of an employee group of fifty or more, and of $1.50 if he is unaffiliated, advice is given on the correction of defective vision.

A subscriber's eyes are examined by an ophthalmologist (medical eye specialist).

A university trained optometrist measures vision and prescribes glasses.  Since the ophthalmologist and the optometrist can make no private profit, there is no temptation to prescribe unnecessary glasses.  For those who need them, eye exercise are specified at reasonable monthly fee.  Eyes are not treated for disease, nor is any medical service rendered.  If the ophthalmologist detects a disease of the eye he advises a confirmation of his diagnosis and treatment at the hand of some competent specialist.

More than seventy large industrial organizations now subscribe for this valuable service.


Famous Studios and Terrytoons have both made announcements to the Union concerning Election Day.  Famous Studios wishes to remain closed the entire day with the understanding that the employees will work six hours on the following Saturday.

Terry's desires to give the Studio two hours off on Election Day.

The Executive Board received a letter from our attorney Marvin Cristenfeld proposing, in view of our present economic condition, to give us legal aid without compensation.

The Board, instead, decided to recommend to the General Membership the payment of $150 for work done outside of our contract.  For instance, the Bonus plan at Famous that was turned down by the Board for lack of information, took many hours to prepare, to discuss, and to argue with the War Labor Board.  Now again he is working in securing from the WLB the approval for the payment of money earned under the proposed bonus plan and discontinued after the Board denial.  He has represeented us before the War Man Power Comission, Wages and Hours Division and now again he is securing approval of individual raises.  this should clear us with him as up today.

Pepe Ruiz, on instructions of the Painters and Inkers, has reached a tentative agreement with Famous Studios where after certain averages are reached by each girl, the company would increase the salaries above the minima.  The girls mentioned in the original list, would get their raises retroactive as Oct. 23.  The Inbetween Dept. as a whole, will have to decide what it wants to do. (Before making it official, we are consulting with the WLB).

At Terry, the WLB declined to sustain the position of the Guild that the $4.70 ordered by them was retroactive to Feb. 1.  They take the position, with the Company, that the agreement reached by us with Mr. Kerwin in order to speed up the case, made us lose any other rights we may have had.

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