Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Top Cel Vol 1, #19: 1/9/44 -Some Letters to the Editor


This week we all have the important job of registration ahead of us.  Never before in our country's history has registration meant as much as it does today.  It is not necessary to explain why this is so.  we are all familiar with today's issue.  But the important thing this year is not only to be sure that YOU register and vote, but also to see that your FRIENDS and RELATIVES do so too.  Each person should feel that he or she is personally responsible for getting out as many voters as possible.

We have frequently heard people say in the past "What difference does my one vote make?"  Well, today it makes a tremendous difference.  New York State is on the doubtful list.  No one knows for sure which way it will swing.  It has long been a state that has elected Democratic Governors.  In the last two elections however, it has gone on the Republican side.


The Union is passing out cards that week to try to insure 1009. registration in the studios.  Please cooperate fully by returning these cards to your stewards or if not working mail them back.  We will print the results in a future issue of Top Cel.  The hour of registration are 5:00 to 10:30 PM Monday Oct. 9 through Friday Oct 12.  On Saturday October 13 from 7 AM to 10:30 PM.



At an extraordinary meeting of the membership, it was decided to do away with the Bonus Plan worked out with Famous Studios and submitted to the War Labor Board for approval.  In lieu of it, the Company has promised to give individual raises.

At the same meeting the C-I-O Political Action Committee was endorsed by the General Membership.

For our next General membership Meeting, Tuesday Oct 10 at the Commodore Hotel:

To add a new classification to our Famous Studio contract, called Animators "A".  The Board does not want to establish another classification and wants the company to recognize this.  Simply recommends it to facilitate the handling of the raises by the WLB.  With this new arrangement, the approval of each individual animator raise by the Board is not necessary.

The adoption of a new contract to be presented to Fletcher Smith Studios.

The establishment, for those unemployed, of a minimum $2 dues.

As the Members decided that Work Permit people should pay as much as full members, from $2.50 to $4.50, it is recommended that their dues be paid monthly rather than weekly.   If a person starts working within the first 15 days of the month, he or she will pay full dues for that month.  If the application is made within the second 15 days, she or he will pay dues starting the first of the following month.

To allow the Business Agent a weekly expense account of $15.

To ask the Membership to reconsider their decision of retaining our lawyer with a regular monthly fee, and instead, to pay him for services rendered only.


"I'm sure that everyone who viewed 'Hell Bent for Election' in our theater last week enjoyed it very much. (Dems & Repubs both) It was an excellent animated job in every way, and the fellows who did the job on the coast deserve a lot of credit, as a shining example of what the cartoon medium can do.  Many thanks to Woody Gelman, who went to all the trouble of hiring the picture and projector and running it for all of us.  Support Woody to give us more stuff and ideas like that. (signed) Dave Tendlar"

From India Nat Friedland writes:

"Being a member of the industry and Union I have long been interested in in the Union activities now that it has actually come into being.  I can think of no better way of keeping those posted, who cannot be there to participate than "Top Cel".  Have seen one copy and think it is a great little paper.  Keep up the good work.  Would appreciate your sending me "Top Cel" in the future.  My regards to all the gang at Famous Studio."

Due to the vacation, increase and other factors, the collection of dues is lacking.  Due to the laxness of the stewards 136 weeks of payments by people on work permits were lost.  This is due to the rapid turnover of people in the studios. According to the contract dues must be collected after 2 weeks of employment.

Top Cel has also been asked to inform the members of Famous Studios that the agreement with the management will henceforth be enforced.  This is the agreement that specifies that only members in good standing be employed.


Esther Dayton Pattengill and her husband Bill came within a hairsbreath of drowning last week.  They were in a boat that overturned.  A farmer fished them out after 45 minutes in the water... Al Geis writes us from the coast that he is happy to be back... Jim Tanaka and Gene Sogioka from Famous now at Fletcher Smith... Angel Jimenes, a new Cpl... Lt. Paul Fanning leaving soon for "a very interesting job overseas..."  Cliff Augustson sending his regards to his friends here... Our "Top Cel" to Harry Arpadi returned with the note: "En route to US"... Dick Jones, a brand new Lt. still stationed at Long Island... Ten new girls at Terry.  One stayed longer than three days... Metro and Lantz requesting the services of Sid Pillet... Bill Henning found six mushrooms growing in his living room after the hurricane... Dolly Heenan, former Rockette, now at Terry's... Art Wells at USN Unit... Dittie McAvoy quited  School to come to Terry... Louis Schmidt and Betty still looking for an apartment.  Time is running short... Buddy Wexler and Marie Trombetta transferred to Famous... Dorothy Rahmer at Terry... Jadalyn Glickman and Lucille Kaplan left Famous for the Signal Corp... Howard Baldwin new address: 435th Bomb Squadron, 333 Bomb Gr. AAF Dalhart TX.  He is getting ready for overseas duty...


As this issues of "Top Cel" goes to press we have just learned of the untimely death of Wendel L. Wilkie.  Words are incapable of expressing the sorrow that the country and labor feels for the lost of such a great patriot.

Mr. Wilkie put his country and his principles ahead of party and self.  He found for a world of peace and progress and refused to compromise or to be all unwavering honesty and vigor in his fight against reaction that must have contributed greatly to the untimeliness of his death.

In his passing Mr. Wilkie has become one of the great martyrs to the cause of liberalism and the better world.


Industrial Films, the outfit that produced "Hell Bent for Election" according to Daily Variety has been approached by Hollywood Republicans leaders on turning out a special film for the GOP.

"The Exhibitor" a trade magazine, reviewed Famous' cartoon "It's Smart to be Thrifty" and called it "A cute and fanciful cartoon.  Color, animation and ideas are tops..."

Completion of the first animated cartoon in color to be made in Mexico by Mexicans is announced by Caricolor.  They have a program of six cartoons a year.


October, 10 at Commodore Hotel
On the Agenda: BA Expense account.
Lawyer's new arrangement

1 comment:

  1. Bill Pattengill is William B. Pattengill, the cartoonist. We see his credits almost every day long ago.
