Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Top Cel Vol 1, #18: 9/25/44. Another Week At The Office.

In order to consider the denial of the WLB to our proposed Bonus Plan and possible new arrangement the EXECUTIVE BOARD will meet MONDAY, Sept. 25 at the Capital Hotel and GENERAL MEMBER will meet THURSDAY, Sept. 28 at the same place, Eighth Ave. and 50th. the time 7:30 PM


Last week the National War Labor Board denied the application for approval of our incentive plan worked out with Famous Studio.

Since the plan was accepted, two groups, the Assistants and Animators, have declined to accept the Bonus Plan. The member recently laid off at Terry's due to the fact that the company was over a year ahead of production, has been the most important consideration in discouraging any incentive system that may directly start a speed up.

Here is the letter of the Board:

"With reference to the above numbered application for Board approval of a proposed incentive system, the request is denied.

For the consideration of incentive systems Board criteria requires that proposed production standards be substantiated by past performance data covering a recent and representative period prior to the proposed retroactive date. If information requested by Item 16 in Form 146 is inapplicable, material should still be submitted showing (1) that the proposed incentive treatment is applicable to the current productive technique in the subject plan (2) that the period of past performance used to determine standards is one of stabilized and standard manhour productivity and (3) that the ratios of established average past performance to proposed standards conform with Board criteria.

For the Story and Camera groups no data on past performance is submitted data is inadequate to enable the determination of the above the criterias."

A request is being sent to the Board trying to secure the payment of the Bonuses owed by the company.


In our last General Membership meeting, in spite of the heavy rain and the distance, a fairly good number of members attended and discussed the different recommendations of the Board.

The members voted upon the following stagger system of dues payment.

Those making up to $30..............2.50 per month
from 30.01 to 35....................3.00 p.m.
from 35.01 to 50....................3.50 p.m.
from 50.01 to 70....................4.00 p.m.
over 70.01..........................4.50 p.m.

Those working under a Work Permit will have to pay the same dues but in weekly payments.

It was decided also to retain our lawyer at $50 per month fee.

The salary of the Business Agent was increased to $60 per week.

Also the proposal of Local 637 of Chicago calling for a reduction of the per capita tax from 80 cents to 60 cents per member was endorsed.

Some persons still owe the Union Attorney sums of money. The shop stewards are attempting to collect this week. Any sums owed after this week will be deducted from dues payments as provided in the constitution.

Fletcher Smith is looking for talented Animators, Assistants, Inbetween, Inkers and Painters. The studio pays the regular union minimums, in fact, in some classifications is above it.

Two more "promoters" have approached our BA inquiring about the possibilities of securing talent. As we put it, it is a question of supply and demand. It is a question of offering more money.

If interested in any change, see the Business Agent.


Helen Fletcher back from... Molly Warren leaving Famous for Conty Nast.... Ralph Sancier back at Terry... Joe Voght a new Father, and for many years at Metro, now at Harman's.... The atmosphere at A. A. F. Animation Unit at Culver City is a bit strained at the moment, because the TO came out and there were not enough striped to go around... Rub Grossman very busy during the holidays... Marine Corp. Don Roman of Disney's and Screen Gems in town.... Ozzie Evans, of Culver City, now a Sgt... Nancy Massie back at the Animation Dept. at the Signal Corp... Lots of new names at Fletcher Smith Studio... Judy Wiener honeymooning.... "New Gulliver" Russian puppet film to open soon at the Stanley Theatre.  George Canata going back to Hollywood... Nesta Thomas in Miami.... Vip Partch going into the Army "or something"... Cecil Beard has a new little girl... Dan Danglo working on a paper which is being distributed throughout the West Coast... Alice Rinaldi flying back to Hollywood as Joe is asking for overseas duty... From the Animator: "Bob McKimson now Unit Director at Warners; Phil Monroe sports new Sgt. Stripes; the second annual cartoonists golf tournament was won by Mike Lah (78) Jerry Nevius Father of a baby girl; Corp. Robert Doerfler on furlough, after 2 years overseas with a Purple Heart... To her many friends in New York we are glad to say that Celine Miles is doing very well at Scientific Films...


In the West Coast the Cartoonists are appearing before the WLB submitting their proposed contract with Disney, as they were unable to reach an agreement with the Company... At George Pal only 6 of the workers of that plant remain at work, refusing to work with a non-union employee whose permit has expired... Walt Disney announces that the company contemplates expansion of its plant facilities at a projected investment of $100,000....


Occasionally we are asked "Why do Unions mix into politics?"  "Why don't that just attend to union affairs and lay off political matters?"  This question is especially important at this time when our Executive Board has recommended that the membership endorse the CIO Political Action Committee.

The answer to this question is a simple one.  The advancement of labor depends, to a tremendous degree upon what laws are passed by Congress.  If anyone doubts that, let him consider what the state of our Union would be without the Interstate Commerce Act which guarantees us the 40 hour work or the Wagner Act which safeguards the worker his rights to organize.  On the other hand consider the plight of workers in totalitarian countries, where unions do not exist or are unable to participate in political action.

"Well, then" we are asked, "What participate as a Union?  Everyone has the individual right to vote."  The is the same argument that has always been used when labor has tried to organize.  "Why form a Union? You have the right to bargain individually with the Employer."  Very few union members don't know the answer to that one... and, the same answer applies to labor's position in politics.  Together we can effectively fight for the laws and the men we feel have our interests at heart.

This all leads to the question of the Political Action Committee.  Despite all the partisan spouting, the PAC has only three aims.

1) To bring the issues at stake to the attention of the people.

2) To secure the largest possible number of people to vote.

3) To bring the records of the candidates to light.

As members of a union we must not fail to endorse these principles in this important year of decision.

There have been only 23 requests returned to run the animated cartoon "Hell Bent for Election".  Since the number is too small, the idea must be shelved unless more people request the showing.

Once again the Amalfi Agency, 15 E 40th Street had an ad in the New York Times looking for Inkers and Animators.

Burned as we were last time, we called our BA to investigate it was all about.  The Agency was not interested in cooperating with us, as they "had trouble with you before" (when we didn't let our members sign 10% of their salaries to them.) We hope that with a Union representing us, we will instruct those responsible to find out things for us and we will ignore the sweet calls from Amalfi Agency.

It is advantageous to all those who work in the cartoon industry here or the West Coast to remind theatre managers or ushers that they desire to see cartoons shown in the neighborhood theatres and to occasionally encourage these managers to run cartoons if they do not already do so.


A War Labor Board announcement says employers may pay Xmas or year-end bonuses of $25 or less to each employee without prior WLB approval.

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