Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Top Cel Vol 1, #14: 7/14/44


The contracts of Terrytoons and Famous are once more before the WLB.  This time they are accompanied by letters signed by both the union and the employers in which some points which had previously held up the decision are now clarified.  There seems to be some chance that a decision may be handed down in another 4 or 5 weeks.

Beginning next week, Terrytoons will commence paying the general increase of $4.70.  This is based on a WLB order which allowed a blanket 15% increase on the total payroll.

When Mr. Cristenfeld was retained as the Union's attorney, it was decided by the members that he would be paid the equivalent of the first week's raise of all the union members.  In the last general meeting the membership voted that the Treasury pay this out as a lump payment and each person at Terrytoons will be assessed that amount separately.

Since a similar agreement exists at the Famous Studio, "Top Cel" wishes to remind the members of that plant, particular the new members, that the first week's raise (not the first week's salary) will similarly be assessed to pay the members obligations to the attorney.

The two delegates from Terry to the Executive Board were elected: Don Figlozzi and Marea Bishop.

Pepe Ruiz is taking a three week leave of absence so all complaints should be given to the Chairman of your Unit.

Next Executive Board meeting will take place Monday, July 17, at the Commodore Hotel, 7 PM.  The Board is inviting to this meeting all Animators and Head Animators plus the Stewards.


New method of producing animated cartoons with plastic models and characters will be utilized by Plastic Cartoons, organized by L. Morey, John Sutherland and John Landis in Hollywood.  Use of plastic models for animation, combined with color photography, gives third dimensional effect which is not possible generally in the regular cartoons.  Plastic process was developed by Lion, and allows for molding characters in large numbers, utilizing one for figure in each frame of film, with change in movement flexible through workability of the plastic material used.  Figures are set up from pencil animation, miniature sets are used and cartoons shot in stop motion as is the rule with this type of production.  This films will be released by United Artists with whom the outfit has signed a contract.  Four pictures will be released each year.  The title of the first will be "The Cross-eyed Bull".

Results of the election at the Local in Hollywood:

Ray Patin..............................President
Al Amatuzio........................Vice President
Helen Hansen.......................Recording Secretary
Cornett Wood.......................Treasurer
Bob Carlson.........................Warden
Ace Gamer...........................Conductor
Volus Jones..........................TrusteePaul Julian...........................Trustee
Jack Bailey..........................Trustee

Cecil Beard, Curtis Dean, Ted Parmalee and Charlotte Adams will represent the Local in the Central Labor Council.  Bob Cannon and Paul Sommer were named as delegates to the Conference of Studio Unions.  They also voted to create a new office of executive secretary and to combine those duties with that of Financial Secretary.  Curtis Dean, who was elected to post, also will act as assistant to the BA.

Leon Schlesinger resigned as chairman of the Cartoon Producers Assn.  Walter Lantz is acting as temporary chairman.  The Assn. has agreed to launch an educational campaign to show exhibitors the increased costs of production.  This will be a preliminary drive to get higher rentals for cartoon productions.

A field survey by Motion Picture Daily discloses that approximately 71 per cent of the country's 16,500-odd theaters show double bills regularly or otherwise against 73% two years ago.


Nesta Thomas left Famous for Fletcher Smith.... A/S Perry Rosove in Pampa, Texas... Phil Lazara, former Terrytoon Inbet., now on sick leave, dropped in with missus, looking very healthy, but not fully recovered yet.  Make it snappy Phil! ....Flash!  Mr. & Mrs. Don Figlozzi expecting a little Don Jr. in Sep.  Harold Abbey, formerly of Famous & Terry, now free lancing... Josephine Eaker of Terry's, Left.... T/Sgt. Earl Patton in Fresno, Calif... Zeke de Grasse en furlough with the Massies in New York.... Irving Dressler now officially in story dept. at Famous... Terry's Mgr. Chas Perrin's high perch was ripped apart and now everything Charly says and does is on the level.  Haw! ... Flash! ...Animation Room at Terry completely renovated in pastel green.  First time in memory of old timers that room got new coat... In CBS Television Quiz, Myrle Munson, Johnny Walworth, Debbie Shaw, Woody Gelman and Lillian Grossman competed for $25 War Bond.  Johnny copped the honors.... Marvin Grau in Hollywood on furlough.  Betty Brown has gotten a release from the Navy.  She is expecting a baby.... Handsome Anber Kneitel new member of Navy Animation Unit.  ....Bob Kuwahara is expected to start working at Famous... Arnold Gillespie left Metro for Harman's. ...Harold Robbins applied for a work permit... Stevens, camera man from Metro, now at the Signal Corp in New York... Mannette Lamberston married... Jean Selby, Sp. 1/C, now in charge of Painting and Inking at Anacostia, getting ready for officers training...


This column is being inaugurated for the express purpose of presenting personal opinions.  In all other portions of Top Cel, every effort will be made to keep strictly to fact.  This column, however, is frankly dedicated to opinion.

The value of such an idea is achieved only when everyone expresses himself.  It is not the purpose of the Editor to give his own opinions alone, as they may differ from those held by the members.  We would prefer, rather, to make this column the voice of the members.  So here is a chance to express your opinion, gripe, tear down the union, or even a compliment and give suggestions.  An effort will be made to answer and act upon these letters.

A union exists for the advancement and utilization of the strength of those who compose it.  Through the power of the union, many results can be achieved that would be impossible of attainment otherwise.  These improvements do not come of themselves.  They are the results of ideas and work, and require just as much effort as was originally expended in organizing the union.  This work must be done by all.  Once the union, or its paper, is controlled by a few individuals only, its is lost and and it becomes a farce that controls rather than helps.  So make your opinion heard.  Write letters and attend meetings.


From a late bulletin from Selective Headquarters in regard to veterans who desire to assure their former jobs, it is stated that both men and women discharges who left for the service after May 1, 1940, either voluntarily or through draft are entitled to like seniority and pay with the conditions: If the position is a permanent one; if, when he left, he did so of his own volition in order to enter the armed services or because of the draft; if he applies for re-employment within 40 days after his discharge from the service; and if the employer still has the position.

Once back on the job, the employee is to be considered as having been on furlough during his absence and shall not lose seniority, he shall be entitled to participate in insurance or other benefits with other employees, and he may not be discharged without cause for one year after his re-employment.


"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is topping business it did in the first week at the Hillstreet and Pantages Theaters in Los Angeles six years ago by substantial percentage.  Second general release of picture, on basis of reports from around the country, indicate that it is beating precious healthy grosses in every situation.  Indications are that Disney and RKO will add another comfortable $2,000,000 or thereabouts to record gross first racket by picture.

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