Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Top Cel Vol 1, #13: 6/29/44. You Don't Flip Cels, Baby!

Another  Tuesday, another "Top Cel".

The installation of officers will take place at the Capitol Hotel on next Friday, June 30, 7:30 p.m.  This is the first time that the union is meeting socially.  "Refreshments" will be served and music will fill the air -so let's make this a good turnout!


In our last issue, in naming the new Officers, we forgot to announce that Nick Tafuri was elected Chairman of the Famous Unit.  We are waiting for the Terry  Unit to meet to elect their two delegates to the Executive Board and their Chairman.

In our last Board meeting, it was decided to form a Grievance Committee in each plant. At Famous, Nick Tafuri and Bob Connavale, Judy Weiner, Howard Post, Bill Hudson and Alice Rehberg, were appointed to form the same.  These persons will act as Stewards, so all question or interpretations of the contract should be directed to them or to our Business Representative.

We want to stress again that it is our duty to see that we all live up to our agreement with the company.  Consult your Stewards if there is any question in which you feel the union can assist you.

Attention Executive Board members: As the first Monday of July, (the regular day for our Board meeting) falls before the 4th, the meeting will take place the following Monday, July 10th at the Commodore Hotel.  Next day, July 11th, our regular membership meeting will take place at New Rochelle.

We haven't been able to get together with Mr. Terry's lawyer to present our signed contract to the WLB.  Knowing how long the approval is going to take, it is unfortunate that Mr. Kerwin can not take care of our case a promised.  At Famous too, we haven't been able to present our petition of approval of wages to the Board as yet.

At Famous the company has announced that the vacation period shall take place on August 11th.  The Painters will not be able to take their vacations at that time as the department is a good deal behind schedule.  If the work progresses more rapidly, it is possible that the entire plant can vacation at the same time.

The members  at that studio asked to have Monday July 3rd off, and the Company agreed.  This, together with the two week vacation, are working examples of union achievement.  However, it is necessary to add that those who take Monday off should be certain to report for work on Saturday July 8th.


Warners has completed negotiations with Leon Schlesingers for purchase of later's cartoon studio, with price reported between $200,000 and $300,000 as reported in Variety.  Price would give Warners 100% ownership and operation of the plant, and it is expected they will maintain the present studio quarters.  (By the way, one of the worse in Hollywood.)  Present staff and organization will be maintained intact but with likelihood that Warners will appoint one of the studio Executive to take charge.  Schlesinger started his cartoon company about 1929.  It is understood that contract for deliver of his contract for deliver of his cartoon provided for payment on completion of each negative.  Producer has been turning out around 40 cartoons annually in recent years.

Walt Disney, in New York to record Benny Goodman music for "Swing Street", believes there is a big post war future for educational films.  "But I will not stick my neck out unless others go along," he said according to Variety.  He believes that the current large interest in visual education is due to fact that pictures supplement books and lecture in teaching.

Cartoonist Local in Hollywood has 243 members in the service, one of highest percentage in the West Coast.

Question of six paid holiday and time and one-half for Saturday work when holiday falls within week was submitted to arbitration by the Guild in Hollywood.  The Cartoonists were seeking pay for Christmas and New Year's which fell on Saturday following Thanksgiving and Memorial Day.

Plan for asking exhibitors for highers rentals on cartoons, due to increased production costs, was proposed by Walter Lantz.  He urged that steps be taken to make theatremen aware of the fact that costs have increases 40% since 1942.  "Authoritative surveys have proven that cartoons constitute a definite box-office drawing power," said he.  "In this respect, cartoons even rate above newsreels in the short subjects field.  They are as important to a film theatre bill as comic strips are to newspaper."


"Top Cel" is the printed voice of Local Union 1461.

The duties of this paper are:

1) To print news of the Union and its activities.

2) To present news of activities within the industry and allied industries that may be of interest to union members.

3) To present fairly problems that arise between the Union and the Employers.

4) To acquaint members of political issues that pertain to the advancement and detriment of the Nation and the labor movement as a whole.

"Top Cel" desires to reflect the opinions of its readers.  In support of this policy, "Top Cel" invites the opinions and letters of both Labor and Management.


Here are the New York State rules covering the employment of children:

No child under 14 may work.

No child under 16 may work in a factory.

Children between 14 and 16 working after school or during the vacation period must have work permits.

Children between 16 and 17 must have working papers.


Excerpt from a letter from the West Coast: "...The main reason... is to thank you for 'Top Cel', especially the last one.  It tops ours by far.  We are having elections this month.... It  seems we lack the interest you fellows have back there.  You New Yorkers are gaining more respect every day, more power to you...." Cpl. Jimmie Glabby, now in England, missing his bicycle rides due to D-Day.... Eli Levitan is correcting Jimmy Tanaka's Japanese..... A/C George Giroux graduated on the 27th at Stockton Field, Cal. after seeing his new arrival.... Jean Emerson leaving Terry's.  Just got over pneumonia... Bill Sturm in charge of production at "Fletcher Smith"... Mary Zaffo Mathewson, Terry Camera Dept., retired permanently to be near hubby at Camp......Marea Bishop Jacques down visiting  her husband for two weeks.....

PFC Harry Arpadi back in this country after minor injury in Italy...... Helen (oh boy!) Bromback left inbetweens to do inking (You don't flip cels, Baby!)..... "Geegee" Renza, Connie's boy, a June grad, doing coloring until Army grabs him.... Nick Tafuri, Harry Ryterband and Leonard McCormick perfect speciments, accepted after their physicals.  They are in the new "pool" now....Petite Peggy Adrian of coloring, now flipping inbetweens.  John Mendelsohn left Famous for greener pastures... until the Army gets him... Jacqueline Arias left to get marry ... Cpl. "Wed" Murphy now overseas.... Connie Quirk of inking, now inbetween at Terry......


Success of "Snow White" in its current re-release has prompted Disney to plan at least on animation picture of that nature each year, and perhaps three every two years.  He has set his story men to work preparing "Uncle Remus" from Joel Chandler Harris' fables; "Cinderella" "Alice in Wonderland" and "Sword in the Stone", a King Arthur Roundtable derivative.  Animation will not begin until after Disney has completed his commitments to the armed services as his major studio effort, his publicity Dept. says.


The Merchant Seaman Club, 43rd Street, is distributing ties and theater tickets to members of the Merchant Marine.  There is a shortage of ties.  Please donate any old ones you may have in your possession.  These ties are as important as the tickets to insure admission to the theaters.

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