Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Top Cel Vol 1, #12: 6/16/44. The G. I. Bill

Yesterday, the Animation Guild in Los Angeles announced the results of their local's election.

Today we post the results from Screen Cartoonists' Local 1461 election of 1944.


At the elections conducted in our last General Membership meeting the following members were elected:

President...............Orestes Calpini
Vice-President......Ralph Pearson
Rec. Secretary......Shirley Knoring
Fin. Secretary.......Phyllis Shagrin
Treasurer..............Dave Tendlar
Conductor............John Gentillela
Warden................Joe Deneroff
Trustees................Nicholas Tafuri, Gordon Whittier, Mildred Bishop

Delegates from the Famous Unit to the Executive Board: Morey Reden and Bill Henning.

(The Terry Unit shall elect its two Delegates to the Board.)

Woody Gelman was elected editor "Top Cel".  Judy Weiner and Shirly Knoring will act as Assistant to the Editor.


The Terry contract, approved by the Unit and the General Membership is about to be signed.  However, there are still several points to be ironed out.  For instance, in the vacation clause the word UNINTERRUPTEDLY can be taken in several ways and is liable to cause much confusion later.  the  military clause was forgotten again, etc.  We hope the company take care of those details as soon as possible.

At Famous, at a meeting with a representative of the WLB, it was determined that the best way to come to practical conclusion on our application for approval of the bonus plan is to wait until the Board okays first our wage increase.  It was disappointing to find that the approval of the plan has to be delayed again, especially since the members have been traying to meet the bonuses.  However, we have the assurance of the company that the money earned will be credited, and ways and means will be found to pay it in case the WLB does not approve its retroactivity to March 13.

After conferences with the Board, it was decided to make new application for approval of the increases.  The argument that the union is giving is that since the company was organized on June 1942 the 15% Little Steel formula does not apply to us.  Our claim is that our industry is nation wide, and that the sound and tested going rates are those of the five Studios in the West Coast.

As the members were informed at the last General Membership meeting, the WLB is already making a survey of the animated cartoon industry for the purpose of establishing job classifications and range of salaries paid for each position.  Once these facts are established, our position will be clearer and the early approval of both contracts will be possible.


FLASH!  Former Terrytoons Backg'd artist JOHNNY VITA, sergeant Camerman in the Sig. Corps, pulled a promised stunt on entry of allied in Rome.  Gaining access to balcony of Palazzio Venezia, where Mussolini used to do his monkey act, he gave such a vivid imitation that the Roman crowds laughed and cheered.   So Johnny got his pix and write up broadcast throughout the world.... Jean Selby of the Anacostia unit, now Specialist 1st Class, in NY last week end.... Marge York back from vacation in Indiana.... Wahl and Spector again taking basic training.... Going woozy from eye strain, Irene Rowland had to quit inbetweening and go back to inking.  Sorry Rene.....Sam Cobean, of The New Yorker fame, now a Sergeant......


Conciliation hearing before Dept of Labor Conciliator Service, regarding revision of contract between Cartoonist and Disney was completed.  Studio execs and Guild will draw up points on which they differ and if they cannot be reconciled, case will be sent to War Labor Board for decision.  Biggest difference is over failure of company to provide for wage increases.... George Pal has agreed to arbitrate with the Local in Hollywood the layoff of an employee whom the Guild would not permit to do A Classification work while he remained in B Classification.... Herb Sorell, the best friend the cartoonist have in the West or East Coasts, was handed a new three year contract as business

Representative of the Studio Painters, and added compensation to raise his weekly minimum to $177.50...... Leon Schlesinger agreed to pay five employees for time taken off to vote.  Labor contract for the studio said he would recommend payment after the Business Agent call to his attention the California Election Code which allows employees two hours off with pay to cast their ballots...... Famous Studios doing a job for Office of War Information.... Screen Office Employees Guild, sister Local of the Brotherhood of Painters, was certified by the NLRB as collective bargaining agent for White Collarites at 20th Century Fox......


Legislation assuring America's fighting men and women the best postwar treatment a nation has ever given, designed primarily to get war veterans good jobs and education instead of handing them a cash bonus as in the last war, was approved by Congress, despite some chiseling by Rep. John Rankin (D. Miss).  Popularly known as the GI Bill of Rights, it covers:

UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS.  During the first two years after their discharge, Veterans are allowed $20 a week unemployment benefits for a period up to 52 weeks.

EDUCATION.  $500 a year tuition, expenses for lab fees and books, $50 a month.  Subsistence allowance (plus $25 for dependents) for Veterans who were under 25 when they joined the armed forces.  (The age limitation was Rankin's handy work.)

BUSINESS LOAN.  Private loans at 4% interest, with the Government guaranteeing up to 50% of the loan, up to a $2000 maximum.

JOB PLACEMENT.  Special provision will be made for arranging employment of veterans by the US Employment Service.

HOSPITALIZATION. Free hospital care provided in Veterans Administration hospitals with $500 million authorized for construction of hospital facilities.

(Material taken from P M)


Roberta Whitehead came up from Chicago for a visit.  All "old" folks were tickled to see her.... Al Rose, of the Capra Unit in Hollywood, visiting New York.... Glen Couch getting married on June 23 at the Marine Post Chapel in Quantico, Va.  She...?  Pvt. Dorothy Stanely, USMCR......Terry Story Dept's Tommy Morrison chock full of new gags and very happy he picked up that "Joe Miller" joke book at a rummage shop.... Eugene Klein, Sam Buckwald smart and able lawyer, proud Father of a baby boy.  (That's the reason he was not at the meeting the other morning.) ..... Chris Ishii with the OWI some here in India..... Lt. Dick Alexander just arrived at New Guinea...... Bernice Bernstein, back at Famous after a month absence due to ill health..... Mrs. Ralph Pearson away for the summer.... Ellen Mahony joined Famous cel-polishing group.... Christie McFall of the Signal Corp unit, on furlough.... A cute colored gal lending color to Sparky's colorama harem.  Welcome to Terrytoons Judy Short!.........


For the benefit of those that have asked us, we again repeat:

Withdrawal Cards should be requested in writing.  In order to secure them, one has to be in good standing.  With a Withdrawal Card you don't pay any dues because you are not active.

At the last General Membership meeting, once again, the members determined that dues should be paid in advance, and that in order to be in good standing, as determined in our by-laws, the members should have the same paid by the first of the month.  However, the Business Agent was instructed not to present the list of those members in arrears to the Famous Studios until the 15th of the month.

For the information of the members our office on the Salmon Tower Bld., Room 1312, is open Wednesday and Thursday  between 12:30 and 1:30 and from 5:30 to 6:00.  Members can pay as many months in advance as they wish; they can pay with checks, money order and one person can pay the dues of as many other members as he or she wishes.

Without asking permission of the Local, no member is allow to take work home or do work above his classification.  The member faces a fine or even an expulsion.

All grievances should be reported to the Chairman of the Unit or to our Business Agent, so they can be taken up with the company.

Members to go into the service don't pay dues, as the Local will keep them in good standing.

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