Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nhek Dim

In researching design for our segment in the upcoming "Don't Think I've Forgotten", director John Pirozzi turned us on to the work of Nhek Dim who flourished in Cambodia in the 1960s and early 70s.

These are some of his political cartoons.

Sam Henderson jokes about political cartoons.  Without context many are simply absurd.  Still -great cartooning.

Note the four fingered hands.

Sometimes the strength of image transcends cultural specifics. 

Hong Kong, and step on it.

LBJ shown with some scorn in the above two cartoons.

Johnson's war (actually Kennedy's as evidenced in the Pentagon Papers) continuously spilled over the border from Vietnam until Nixon ultimately began a direct bombing campaign of Cambodia.  That led directly to the rise of the Khmer Rouge.  Nhek Dim was murdered by Pol Pot's men in 1978.

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