Sunday, August 1, 2010

Animator #95 - 1/12/45


DISNEY:  There has been no decision yet by the War Labor Board on the Panel recommendations.  Both the Union and the Producers have been looking into the question of wage brackets.  The Producers have submitted a wage bracket that is unacceptable to the Union.  By further negotiations we may arrive at an acceptable proposal.

The dispute case involving the classification of one employee in the Story Department has been finally settled by giving her a reclassification as Story Specialist.

Our joint appeal to the War Labor Board for retroactive pay for the Technical Background men back to June 1 has been granted.

WARNERS:  The WLB has ordered the dispute over holiday pay to be arbitrated according to the terms of the agreement.

Negotiations relative to the new contract are in progress.

MGM: Points agreed upon and in dispute in the new contract have been written up and are ready for submission to the WLB.

SCREEN GEMS: We have assurance that this Producer will go along with the contract agreed upon with the other studios.

Provisions of the new contract  will determine a dispute case involving vacation pay for an employee who left prior to the vacation period.

LANTZ: We have a letter from the attorney for this Producer that he will go along with the Disney agreement except for a couple of point involving classifications and the interpretation of the vacation clause.  A meeting has been arranged to try to work out a satisfactory adjustment on these two points.

PALS: All the papers on their contract are in the hands of the WLB.  Of two dispute cases involving classifications, one has been satisfactorily settled and settlement of the other looks hopeful in the immediate future.

Decision has been made by the Executive Board that the independent studios should be organized.  Work is already under way in this field and more will report later.

Over a year ago the membership voted that the members who did not attend at least one of the monthly meetings in a quarter should be fined Five Dollars.  We are initiating the following procedure for more thoroughly securing compliance with this membership ruling.  At each meeting attendance cards will be collected and at the end of the the quarter these cards will be checked against each members name.  If there is no card for any of the three meetings for that quarter for a member he or she will be notified by letter that they are subject to the Five Dollar fine.  The letter will also state the deadline for any appeal from the fine.

This means there must be a legitimate excuse for each of the three meetings in the quarter.  In other words a member missing the last meeting of the quarter because of a legitimate excuse will not be excused from from the fine unless he also has legitimate reasons why he missed both other meetings.


Screen Gems is now under the management of Hugh McCollom from Columbia with Sid Davis assisting. ...Al Rose leaves MGM for animation spot with Famous ...George Sanders from Universal to Warners... LANTZ finished army productions for Offices of Communication and Education. ... Lantz Bowling Team now leading Universal Studio League.  ...MARVIN FIROTKIN, former cameraman at Jam Handy, reported missing in action on the Western Front...

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