Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mad Men -Jaffee and Aragones on Sundance

The pieces we did for Sundance on Al Jaffee and Sergio Aragones are now on line.

After running the last few of our "Naked Campaign" film on air, Gail Levin struck up a good relationship with Sundance.

They had these interviews with the two great cartoonists and weren't sure what to do with it. They (rightly) loved the content, but the video and audio quality was a little rocky.

They suggested we treat them in a similar to our "Naked Campaign" pieces, having Steve Brodner play a sort of foil -commenting and illustrating -to their interviews.

It's kind of a strange combination, but it works and its oddly illuminating. Brodner works in a very different field from Aragones and Jaffee, but he's clearly learned a lot from them.

Just as different branches of film can positively inform animator's work, the same is true for illustration.

We're pretty happy with the results of the pieces.

Fabrizio Fante was the producer at Sundance. He was a pleasure to work with.

The usual Naked Campaign/Need to Know credits: Gail Levin, Steve Brodner, Ben Shapiro, Christina Capozzi-Riley, Richard O'Connor. Elliot Cowan did some of the animation on these. The Aragones talking. Jonny A did some of the Jaffee animation.

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