Sunday, July 25, 2010

Look That Up In...

This is pretty ancient.

Like 1970s ancient.

Apart from the live action guy and the cruddy video quality -I think it holds up pretty well and have always liked it.

It was produced at The Ink Tank. From the looks of it, Ed Smith was the animator, but it's really a marvel of art production.


  1. I produced this for Bob with a very small budget (I think it was $17,000.

    Ed Smith animated the Vana Gogh and Modigliani. Tissa David animated Picasso and Michelangelo.

    Sara Cologero colored the Ed Smith part. I colored the Tissa David part.

  2. I love the wink at the end.

  3. Amazing work, Michael. The art production throughout is outstanding but Michelangelo in particular is, well, like Michelangelo.

    $17000 doesn't sound so bad these days...

  4. There's a camera error in the Michelangelo part - a wall crack moves with the animation not the pan. This was corrected and aired properly. Bob never corrected the mistake in his sample reel, the version on YouTube.
