Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How to Animate - Tissa David Lecture Notes 2/1/90

You'll need to click the images to get the most out of these notes from Tissa David's 2/1/90 lecture.

Sparkle always has a center.

Timing: could be slow in, fast out.

Boiling bubbles - disappearing

Balloon popping.  Remaining balloons move away.

Snow cycles.

Select path.  Animate extremes in various sizes and then inbetween.


Should be image of reality.  When you animate should be more than reality.

Limited animation.

Get the action and hold.... eetc/

When you see the characters without sound and the characters just move without personality it is bad animation.  Characters should move with personality and each should be not dependent on sound and voice for character.

Walking in sand or snow.  The body requires strenuous action to pull leg out and then foot sinking in arms always balancing the strain (hands shouldn't be in pocket) Body should be doing balancing act.

(Left foot forward right shoulder out)

When you do action part of your body will carry the action.  For instance dancing the main action is in your pelvis.

Think out your actions.  Plan moves.

Girl walking to door reaching for door, opening door.  This will give you a better sense of timing.


Hard ground.  When the ground is hard the knee bends.

If you must attempt to animate do straight ahead with many trials and error.

Another different and impossible action is when water drops and rings animate out.  Don't try rings hitting other rings and animating.

Keep it simple.  Don't have it hit.

Tight rope (then a quick sketch)

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