Thursday, July 15, 2010

Animator #89 - Disputes on the Rise

The issue of holiday pay is starting to blow up and Pal is locking out over non-union hires.


DISNEYS: The company did come up with a new excuse and the two days pay, granted by award of the arbitrator and oked by the War Labor Board, has been held up again.  The company now claims that it will not pay the two days without permission of the Treasury Department to pay those earning over $5,000 as well.  The request went in we disagreed with the picture they gave that Department.  The Treasury informed us that we could only appear before them if given us its final answer as to whether or not it will appeal the decision of the Treasury.

We are if the opinion that the Treasury does not have jurisdiction on this matter and we are checking this.  As was stated in the full report made on this situation in the July 14 Animator there never was any question of our abiding by an arbitrator's award having once signed an agreement to do so.  We believe in, and have worked, and will continue to work for, decent labor relations.  (Walt Disney is one of the incorporators of the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, incorporated August 29, 1944.  Get a copy of "THE TRUTH ABOUT HOLLYWOOD", put out by the twenty guilds and unions, from your steward or the office.)

SCREEN GEMS: The members received two days pay for Xmas and New Years the day before they closed down for their vacation.

WARNER BROS: Negotiations go to the Conciliation Dept. Friday.  Leon Schlesinger's representative mad the statement before the WLB that Mr. Schlesinger refused to arbitrate the question of Xmas and New Years and that he would not obey an order of the WLB.

LANTZ: We still have not heard from their attorney regarding our request for settlement or arbitration of Xmas and New Years.  Lantz reports he is out of town.

PLASTIC: Two meetings have been held on negotiations, others will follow.

PALS: We have asked for arbitration on 4 matters, to date we have not received from the company the name of the arbitrator.

Pals sent everyone home on Friday and locked us out.  Our members there were being asked to work with someone without a card or a work permit.  The Union gave them the names of 4 members qualified to do the work, in fact 2 have held the very job.  We even went further...

...and offered to let the man presently on the job finish the particular work he is doing.  We cannot allow a person without a work permit or without a card to work when regular members are able and willing to do the job.  There would be no point in our 6 months work permit period if we could not take the work permittees off and put a regular member on who is qualified to do the work.  As the membership knows we put in this 6 months ruling because 1) we felt the men in the armed forces should get at least that much protection and 2) it was not our desire to take initiation fees from people until they had been in the industry at least six months, so there might be some reason to believe that they are intending to remain.

The company, of course, could have let our people work, turn this man off and asked for arbitration to solve this, but they want us to allow him to work and arbitrate.  Any read of the above scene would show what we are up against in regard to the procedure, with Disney refusing to accept an arbitrators award, Schlesinger stating in advance that he would defy a WLB order and George Pal in violation of his contract by not even giving us the name of his arbitrator when we asked for arbitration in accordance with our contract with him.


WARNERS - Frank Tashlin now producer at Plastic Studios...  ....Warners have spent the last four weeks remodeling the cartoon studio and the work continues -returning vacationers were very pleased over the improvements... Bob MacKimson, new unit director ... Phil Monroe sports new Sgt. stripes

LANTZ - A bowling team has been organized and is to play in the Universal meet.

Then a list of winners from the golf tournament.  Disney was best represented (John Sibley, Ham Luske, etc) with MGM coming in second (Preston Blair).

Page three largely consists of an open letter to the country by a soldier stationed in New Guinea.

INBETWEENS about marriages and vacations.

Page four. Books for sale.

INBETWEENS include Bob Cannon one week overdue from vacation in Mexico and some updates on members in the military.

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