Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Old Days of Future Television

Way back in the 20th Century a bunch of now-defunct phone companies got together with some snazzy Hollywood agents in an effort to create an on-demand television service over phone lines.

That venture, TeleTV, was ahead of its time in many ways.  We're now seeing increased on-demand through cable and most notably Netflix.

In more ways, TeleTV hit at the wrong time. The Clinton Adminstration's Telecommunications Act of 1996 opened up long distance services to regional carriers (the "baby Bells") which effectively forced the regional companies behind TeleTV to focus on new markets instead of new technology.  It also created the atmosphere which merged these regional phone carriers back into Bell Telephone sized megaliths.  The late 90s advent of the internet also threw the business for a loop.   Individuals gravitated towards this new medium and had little interest in the futuristic expansion of the old.

The good thing was that they still produced graphics packages.  We pitched a bunch at The Ink Tank.  We'll post some of the unsuccessful ones later.

First, here's a board which was produced.  Designed and directed by Maciek Albrecht.  We'll post the color models and final spot later.

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