Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Bard and Rockwell Kent

One could argue that Rockwell Kent is the "Shakespeare of Illustration". OK, maybe that's going too far.

Even so, it only makes sense to put the two together.

Here are some Kent plates from a 1936 edition of the Bard's complete works published by Doubleday and Company through Garden City Books.

Above, "Henry VI, part 3".

Above, "A Winter's Tale".

One thing I remember from high school English class, Mr. Griffin said "Every person should have a complete works of Shakespeare."

He was partial to the Riverside.  But this one, based on these great drawings alone, is an acceptable replica.

Above, "Antony and Cleopatra."

"The Life of King John" was the most performed play in Shakespeare's lifetime.  Like most of his histories, its become less popular than the Tragedies or Comedies.

"Measure for Measure" (above) being one the greatest comedies.  My college belle directed a terrific version back in the day.  She's still doing terrific directing  at The Perishable Theater in Providence.

"The Merchant of Venice", above.

The above illustration for "Titus Andronicus", appropriately disturbing imagery.  Just an amazing piece.

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