Sunday, June 13, 2010

Animator 66

Here's a snapshot of the Los Angeles animation world in 1944 via union newsletter.

Disney: the only problem here is the matter of overtime payment for Saturdays and Sundays spent in transit on Company business.  Until recently time and half was paid for Saturday, recently this was tabooed.  The Business Agent queries why.

MGM: The vacation cases still hang fire.  Important for all is the solution of this in which the unions position is that vacations are earned, and that the accrued earnings should be paid if relations are severed.

Schlesinger:  Assistant Animator returned to work by the U. S. Conciliation Service received check for the week out.  Second time in a month the conciliators agreed with us against Schlesinger.  How long is J. B. going to be allowed to continue to disrupt relations between the Company and the Union.  We hope he knows more about Scene Checking.  Can Schlesinger afford these disruptive labor tactics?

Gems: Nothing

Lantz: A case of short change on the scale has been settled...the ante was raised.

Pals: New work for Army and Navy requires new classifications.  The classifications have to be set up, approved by the unit and the Exec Board before they can be sent to the membership.

Wolff: The contract is at WLB.

Terrys: The case at the WLB.

General: The procedure for the assimilation of returning service men or women is being set up.  It has been proposed that when it is necessary for someone to be released to create a position, the following procedure will be followed: The person with the least seniority in the classification to which the member is returning will be dropped to the next lower classification.  This drop to continue till the person with the least seniority in the lowest classification in the in the studio is laid off...


OCTOBER MEMBERSHIP MEETING:  The membership voted to set the union up in the book business.  100 stones worth of art books are to be offered for sale at the Union office.  The profits to go to the Welfare Fund.

INBETWEENS: Gil Turner leaves Schlesinger's for Wolffs...Basil Davidovich new animator at Schlesingers... Clark Mallory returns from army to Schlesingers...Viola Koler leaves Schlesingers...Marie Stimson weds Mj. Beardsley.


The painting exhibit at our own Gallery was juried Tuesday night by Stanley  Reckless, Paul Lauritz and John Entedez who expressed their surprise and disappointment at the material turned in by the cartoonists for the show.  This disappointment was caused by the feeling that in effect, we the cartoonists of the Motion Picture Industry should be the most fresh, creative and original pioneering artists of our area.  Instead, the jury felt most of the entries were mere reflections of the traditional teachings and thought processes in vogue locally.  However, they selected a gallery of framed paintings from the material at hand for our first show which should open Sunday, November 14.

1 comment:

  1. The last paragraph is my favorite.
    Is it any different now?
