Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Agency Boards

Sometimes advertising work boils down to executing the agency's ideas.  Those are usually the crummy jobs.  Creatively crummy, that is.

The best advertising work happens when everyone involved understands and respects everyone else's expertise.

Here's an example of how some great advertising work began.

In this board the agency laid out the basic idea.  We'll post the final film in a few days.  You'll see that the idea remains consistent but it becomes a well designed film.

Again, you get the plot points but not a shot breakdown.

The agency uses these boards to sell an idea to their client.  Hopefully, they've managed their clients expectations so they know these are rough ideas and the final film will look much different (and hopefully much better).

This will be the most dramatic transformation of the three.

In all of these the illustrator Carlos Aponte was instrumental in creating a cinematic dynamic.  In this third he and Tissa David reworked it so that it became a :15 second drama.

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