Friday, May 14, 2010

Parsons' Show

The Illustration Department of Parsons School of Design has its Senior Show up at The Art Director's Club.

A few of my former students have work up.

Noella Borie is the only student with film in the show.

There's a range of work.  Some students are naturally gifted -excellent draughting, strong ideas, good design.

Some aren't so talented.  And here is where the Illustration Department at Parsons makes the difference -it's clear that even the less skilled students have been guided to make the best the use of their strengths in their work.

More impressive than the good work on display is the underlying strength of faculty.

Unfortunately, the animation program at the school can't make the same boasts.

Noella's film, for instance, works on the strength of her efforts and personal vision.  It's failures are primarily in production and animation fundamentals which should be established by the school.

(Note: I sometimes teach adjunct in the dwindling undergraduate program at Parsons)

The digital design program at Parsons, especially the MFA, which focuses on new technologies produces a lot of extraordinary work.  The possibilities are there, the institution needs to get behind its film animation program for it to excel.

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