Saturday, March 27, 2010

On The Street

Had to walk over to WNET/Thirteen to drop off some titling for a film we're working on. This has become a somewhat regular path.

Ben Franklin for "Little Man Parking"

The Albert Merrill School sign still dominates the Western view down 29th Street.

The school itself is no longer around, but we still have their great advertisements thanks to YouTube.

The corner diner across from B&H Photo was quickly demolished last fall.

Also gone is the painted billboard for the ice skating rink.  It's been replaced by the building's address -you can see the "4" here.  I cropped the rest out of anger.  No free advertising here.

In the WNET/Thirteen lobby

The station's control room greets you as you enter.  Blurred here to protect identities (and because I snapped it in a hurry).

The edit room is big enough for four people, if two are standing and you don't need to open the door.  In many ways that's good -less chance of a drive by committee.

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