Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jump, Laugh, Wave: 8/3/89 Lecture Notes

Nice set of notes from Tissa David's class of 8/3/89

A jump must have a stretch (push), straight push to give force to action.

A chart on how to do a stagger. I can recall Tissa explaining this to me once. Two points here are particularly noteworthy: requires very TIGHT INBETWEENS, and exposed on ones. Take note of the drawings' exposure: 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, 5, 7, 6, 8, 7, 9...

Chart on a laugh.

Keep your drawing simple.

Shiver (broken into levels for "limited animation")

Chart and sketch on pointing.

Flag wave. This page doesn't make much sense to me.

There's a good example of flag waving in Halas and Whittaker.

Note on "springy motion" like diving board or arrow.

Whatever action you choose must be visible and understood. Select clear area. Select a profile view for action. Profile your action can be more visible, but do this naturally.

You must be able to draw your characters from all directions and perspective. Different angles.

When you animate you mus know where you start and where you are going.

Straight ahead animation gives you:

you must know what your character is feeling, thinking and develop a tempo, and your character will lead you.

If you understand you character you will feel the character and straight ahead animation will give you this and also makes for more interesting animation.

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