Saturday, March 20, 2010

For Art's Sake

My friend Candace Mills sent me this.

Winsor McCay is quoted as saying "In the future people will go to museums, look at the paintings and say 'Why isn't it moving?'"

William Kentridge is most obvious success of this generation, mixing high art and animation. In many ways he's descended from a long line of gallery shown greats -Brakhage, VanderBeek, Harry Smith, J. A. Sistiaga, Mary Ellen Bute, Robert Breer, Larry Jordan, Tony Conrad and on and on.

This is a clip of work by Nathalie Djurberg who won much acclaim at the most recent Venice Biennial.

Sure the animation may be no great shakes -she's no Barry Purves for sure -the context (and to a lesser extent the content) are of interest. Here is an artist using the process of animation winning high praise at the world's most prestigious art event.

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