Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tito The Frog - Storyboard, Part One

I've surely written before that Maciek Albrecht is one of our favorite people to work with. It's been too long since we've had the pleasure, so here goes dredging up the past.

"Tito the Frog" was produced for HBO's "Kids Are Punny" special produced and directed by Amy Schatz.

We produced this three minute in the Spring/Summer of 1998.

I'll post the storyboard in three parts.


This film was produced through The Ink Tank but production was done in Maciek's studio at 241 Bedford Avenue.


I may be confusing it with another project, we did a few films together in that space, but whenever I think of this film and that studio, I think of Elli Albrecht's  homemade bigos and her valiant attempt to cater to my very-non-Polish vegetarianism.

This may have been one of the last film projects at that space.  Soon after everything went digital.

Maciek had the seemingly great idea to make table sized light boxes by attaching a lucite ledge to the wall and affixing light fixtures every few feet.  After a few minutes the trapped air would get scalding hot, so the artists would have to resort to portable lightboxes.

Experiments sometimes fail, have a backup plan ready.

This board is a good example of the boards I've seen from Maciek's films.  They're not overly detailed, but they're not vague either.  They good idea of staging, expression and camera without jumping ahead to the perfect layout pose.



  1. Hi here is Iwona Rozek .I was looking for long time for some information on Titto becouse when Titto Gilla and some of his friends were created I have the privilage to work for Maciek Albreht in his studio giving Titto some colors .I do miss them all and many times wonder how everybody is doing ,sometimes I do watch unfinished Titto tape just to refresh my memmory it is great to know that I did have a part in it.I do want to say thanks to Maciek for giving me that oportunity to work for him at that time .Sending greetings from Ireland

  2. Hi Iwona, it was a long time ago and I can best remember Ely's kind attempt at making a vegitarian bigos around that time.

    Maciek is doing well, still brilliant.

    Here's his website:
