Tuesday, February 2, 2010

George and Frederic

Uninspired blogging today.

George and Frederic Depart For Spain. Fred Mogubgub 1986.

You can see the geometry which was expressed so well in "L'Histoire du Soldat".


  1. Great painting. I'm so happy that you continue to showcase Fred's artwork. He's easily lost in the modern animation world and their distinct distaste for anything abstract.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Great blog! I was surprised to come upon it a few days ago (translation: was googling myself) and wanted to say hello. Intimidatingly, it seemed I might have to say something about art. I'm afraid I can't. But I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog.

    So: hello!

  4. Not so oddly, I uncovered what I believe is your most recent address last week and have been brewing up a note!

  5. Fantastic! It may be a stale address, though. Shall I send you a current one somehow?

  6. There's an email on the contact button to the right hand side.
