Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Finishing The Panda

As the year wraps, we're wrapping up a few larger projects.

In addition to 25 minutes for "The Buddha" we just completed 42 x :30 - :45 segments for the second batch of "Little Pim" language DVDs for children.

In The Buddha, we were constantly trying to loosen the artwork with "Little Pim" we were forced to give the characters a very narrow range of movement and expression.

This production was done entirely in Flash.  Animators were Joe Andriola, Christina Riley, Amanda Latrell, Chris McMurray, Elliot Cowan and Justin Simonich.


  1. I thought I saw Johnny working on it a bit. You trying to stiff him out of his Pim share? Or was he just on art production?

  2. Christina reanimated pretty much everything I did.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I couldn't have said it better myself, Zane.

  5. Everything was re-animated at least once. If you consider moving an eyebrow to be animation.

    I forgot Jonny did a few of the non-panda sequences.
