Tuesday, August 18, 2009


If you're anything like me (and for the sake of your bank account, your sanity, and your generations lets hope you're not too much like me), you've been getting lots email and webads and flyers for Rev. Billy Talen's campaign for mayor of New York City.

While I don't like Mayor Bloomberg's single handed re-writing of the law, I do think three terms is a good idea for New York. If recent administrations are anything to go by, a mayor's first term is solid and their second is an unmitigated disaster. With three terms, perhaps that disaster will be every 8 years instead of every 4.

Back to animation.

We did a few animated for the documentary "What Would Jesus Buy?" which was about Rev. Billy. Our segments were ultimately excised due to structural rearrangements of the film. Here are the pencils to one of the sequences.

Doug Compton did the animation.

Stylistically, we were aiming for a rubber hose look. That's why everything is based on jaunty cycles.

Here's the board:

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