Thursday, January 8, 2009

Set Your "TiVos"

Most animation fans will be watching the last quarter of the Pittsburgh - San Diego on Saturday night, but I'm sure all you TV lovers will find a way to catch to catch the rebroadcast of Moment of Death, the Explorer special we worked on for the National Geographic channel.

It's an hour-long program that broadcasts at 7 PM on Saturday, January 10th.

This special grew out of our collaboration with Mark Mannucci for Thirteen/WNET's Curious.

A few days ago we posted a little clip from that show, saying how we didn't want it to look too "science-y".

There are moments in Moment of Death where we did want to be all "House, M. D." and whatnot:

But there are many more instances that call on cartooning skills. Like this one:

It's an interesting show with even more interesting parts that didn't make the final cut (to be available on the DVD and in earlier posts of this "blog").

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