Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Termite Notification for Future Generations

Last year U. K. curator Mel Brimfield asked our friend Carla Rhodes to make a video for an election themed installation.

A few dozen artist contributed pieces which were voted on by gallery-goers. Carla asked us to help her make her piece. Not surprisingly, it won- the only victory I've felt since those halcyon "Best Actor" days of the early 80s Fire Prevention Play competitions.

This year, Mel was putting a show together for The Collective Gallery's show during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and once again asked for a contribution.

Carla roughed out a script, came in one Wednesday night and we had a finished piece the next day. Most of the takes we used were off-the-cuff improvisations.

We wanted/had to keep it simple. One camera angle, two focal lengths. That makes cutting a lot harder, but it was a fun challenge.

Cecil is real-to-wood vaudeville dummy. Carla is an actual 21st Century ventriloquist.

The Golden Record show is still running. All you Scots should go Robert the Bruce on it.

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