Sunday, July 20, 2008

Art Show

(above) On the Edge of the Woods, Saul Chernick

A few months back R. Sikoryak recommended art journalist/curator Jill Conner get in touch with us for a show she was curating.

She was putting together a show called Loaded at The Phatory on E. 9th Street featuring work by Saul Chernick and Ernest Concepcion. Both artists have strong figurative images and an almost aggressive form that is particularly fresh in today's gallery scene.

Anyhow, she wanted to put together a few nights of animation to bring folks into the show and put the paintings in a new context.

I don't claim that our work is "art" by any stretch of the imagination. We do commercial work and work for hire, I'm proud of the stuff we make but it is expressly not "art".

I was a great honor to be featured in the same show as guys like Saul Chernick and Ernest Concepcion as well as video pieces by Jim Torok, Brian Dewan and Brent Green.

Here's a shot of the show.

That's Jill's reflection in the window.

1 comment:

  1. A local publication, NY Arts, has offered me to write a small essay about the overall curatorial project which will appear in their November/December issue...but due soon.
